Circuit simulation does not match Spice SOLVED

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Unless I've done something dumb (possible) this same circuit works fine in Spice (about 9.6V out or so depending on load and C2 and a few other things). Here it shows 2.5V which is incorrect.

Circuit would work in real life and the Spice results are what I expect.

Very cool, none the less.

by wd5gnr
October 28, 2012

Oops. Yes, in Spice I had D1 on the right side of C1... senior moment. However, I've fixed that now (and added a load resistor) and I still get a funny result. The output does do more what I expect, but it seems to just increase until it hits about 14V. Again, this is different from what I get in Spice (now that I have the circuits actually the same--sorry about that). It is also unexpected given what I know the circuit should do.

by wd5gnr
October 28, 2012

In CL - as in spice - the amplitude of a waveform source is half of the pk - pk swing.

You're putting in a 5V amplitude square wave. That's a 10V pk - pk swing.

It's then sat on top of a 5V DC supply, so the 14V output is correct.


by signality
October 28, 2012

Ah. Got it. The way I specify the source in spice (pulse) really was 0-5. I should have probed around more. Thanks for keeping me honest!

by wd5gnr
October 28, 2012

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