Overlay on a building floor plan?

I need to model circuits such as electrical lighting and low voltage systems. I would like to place an image file of the building floor plan in my workspace then place the system components over it. Sources of signal/power (such as circuit breaker panel, amplifier, etc) and the devices that connect to the circuits ( lights, speakers, etc.) The objective would be to export a file with the background and the circuit components as well as a list of components. Is this possible using circuit lab?

by auconte
July 12, 2013


You can do this in CL.

You'll have to pay for a subscription plan:


to get access to the tool which will allow you to import your image of the floor plan.

You'll also be able to change the colours of nets (but not the component elements) to help show them up against your background.

If it's for commercial work then you'll have to pay for one of the Professional upgrades:


If not then this may help:


However, read the small print very carefully on that one.


by signality
July 12, 2013

Oh, sorry; I haven't answered the whole question.

You can't export a parts list and you can only export the finished plan and circuit as an image file, not as for example a spice netlist or a schematic netlist that you could import into another EDA tool.

You may also have to use the Custom Part element to make some of the missing components, which would then not be simulatable (if that was your aim rather than just being able to draw them). If you stick to using suitably labelled behavioural sources - which may not look much like the thing you want to model visually - then you can make simulatable components.

by signality
July 12, 2013

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