Voltage Function Generator Help

Hi, I just want to simulate a simple transistor switch and am using the Voltage Function Generator as a DC squarewave source, but if I increase the frequency of the generator then the simulated frequency decreases. For example at 2Hz I get 3 pulses in a 2 second simulation window, whereas if I increase the frequency to 4Hz, the output becomes triangular and if I increase it to 10Hz I get just one transient in 2 seconds. Is the Voltage Function Generator malfunctioning? Is there another way to easily generate 0-12V pulses? What is going on here? Link:

by freezedream
May 24, 2017

Hi @freezedream,

Make your simulation timestep smaller. For example, you can enter "0.001" or "1m" to represent one millisecond timestep.

by mrobbins
May 24, 2017

Thanks @mrobbins! That makes sense and the circuit simulates properly now.

by freezedream
May 25, 2017

Excellent! :)

by mrobbins
May 25, 2017

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