Controlling Servomotor


i want to simulate a servo-control-circuit. Imagine the "DATAPORT" is a signal which comes from an embedded system via parallel port or usb in shape a of a PWM-Signal to control the servo. Here is chosed 50Hz and Duty Cycle of 0,05 which should be a PWM-Pulse of 1ms. The servo is on 45° then.

why does my circuit not work? I just want to see the voltage curves which i have named.

this message box pops up every time:

"Error building transient solver Unable to resolve global parameter definition loop"

What do i need to type in as time parameters?

by saesch89
June 10, 2016

Try removing one item at a time until you remove the 'global parameter', and you might catch some good waves.

by EJavaM07
June 13, 2016

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