Vacuum Tube Models & Wires that Intersect

valves, as they say across the pond. any chance you'll have any, or are we on our own? some us still like the old stuff LOL.

any chance we can get a "connection tool" so that we can place a "connection" dot on crossed wires that are a junction and no dot for no connection?

lastly, thanks for a cool product and all your work to bring this application to fruition.



by pmitcheltree
February 29, 2012

Your first request seems to have been pretty well covered in this thread and has been extended in this request for wav I/O.

Your second request is partially covered by 'bridges' in this request, but I agree that connection dots would be better.

by KevinVermeer
May 16, 2012

We're working on a tube by using a behavioral model. Give us a week or two to work out the kinks.

by arduinohacker
May 16, 2012

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