Multiple Simulations

Let's say for example that I have a RLC circuit and I want to generate a database of it. The database will contain the voltage and current values during each simulation. I want to simulate R in range of 200-500 with step of 10. L in range of 600-900 with step of 10. C in range of 30n-60n with step of 1n. The sampling rate is 400KHz (which takes time), How can I run the 27000 simulations in total as fast as possible? Can I run the on circuit labs cloud and just get the results?

Thank you for your help, Kuper.

by kupernilkus
May 29, 2018

That sounds a very wasteful way to do the job. Why not use maths? It always worked for me.

by mikerogerswsm
May 29, 2018

I don't use math equations because they are complicated. I don't use regular RLC circuit my circuit is much more advanced, I gave it just as an example.

by kupernilkus
May 29, 2018

If you can show a bit more of what you are trying to do, perhaps someone may suggest a more efficient way of optimising it. Else you may end up using a whole lot of computer time to do a simple task.

by mikerogerswsm
May 29, 2018

I have simple RLC circuit and I want to run it with different values of R,L,C. Let's say that I have 1000 different sets of R,L,C values. How can I simulate it and get the result as fast as possible? (differently then manually running 1000 simulations and saving the results).

by kupernilkus
May 29, 2018

First this is a simple RLC circuit, then it isn't, then it is. I think you need another sort of help.

by mikerogerswsm
May 30, 2018

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