cree xpe2 in place of xpg3

So I have even gotten the email address to one of the ceo's there with this question. Phone call to multiple departments without even an answer to their department. Multiple email's and online question forms. So here is my question if it makes sense. I do have the data sheets if needed or you can just look them up.


I'm trying to get an answer to this question and have been through your online contact form multiple times without any response. I called today and no one was even available to talk to in multiple departments. So.. that person gave me this email address to hopefully get the answer to the question.

I'm just some little guy trying to start a business and hoping I can get an answer from a large giant like youself.

I have a PCB that I want to put into production. I have 96 samsung 301b's with four of your xpg3 photo red's on it running at 1400ma @ 26.57volts @ 37.2watts. Two of your chips in parellel times two @ 2.7 volts per group. The samsungs are in parallel in groups of 12 @ 2.7 volts to make a total of 26.57 volts for the whole strip. It runs great. I want to see if I can put in place of one of those photo red xpg3's chips in each group with an XPE2 far red. This is where it is confusing to me.

In your data sheet for the xpg3... it has a max voltage of 2.2 with 350 milliamps. Then at 1500ma's the typical is 2.65. Why is the typical way past the max at 350 milliamps? So not even thinking of that... can the xpe2 far red run on this strip in place of the xpg3 photo red with that 1400ma running in place of the second xpg3 in that group of being one of the two groups in parallel on this board. I only know that's what the driver is pushing on this strip. If so... what would be the forward voltage on that be? I need it to still be around 2.7. Would it be, or is there a way to step it down to 1000ma if need be? or is this all just impossible?

I can also run this strip max at 1900ma, 28volts, @ 53.2 watts. I do not see how this is not possible to replace the far red

Thank you for your time. I don't know if I'm explaining my question well enough. I just do not understand why the photo red can run fine in this system and the far red could not. According to my estimates, this chip would be running at 2.59 typical at 1400ma. Which in my eyes according to the way the photo red is running that it should work. What am I missing here? Will this work? Or is the chip going to just explode on me?

Could really use some help on this.

Again... thank you for your time.

by Clobberwatts
September 02, 2021

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