CVS export annoyance

The data is sometimes exported improperly.

When imported to Google Sheet, the first several hundred rows are OK, but then after that, I have data like this:

0.009385, 3.048, "   ", "   ", 8.523, "   "
0.009385, "   ", 4.125, "   ", "   ", "   "
0.009385, "   ", 3.438, "   ", "   ", 3.256
0.009390, 3.048, "   ", "   ", 8.524, "   "
0.009390, "   ", "   ", 4.124, "   ", "   "
0.009390, "   ", 3.437, "   ", "   ", 3.257

Worse, sometimes I got garbage data in the middle

Please fix this problem

by danielwang
August 16, 2019

@danielwang Can you share a public circuit that has the issue so we can attempt to reproduce it? Thanks

by mrobbins
August 28, 2019

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