Dusk/dawn detector

Hi, I'm designing part of a circuit to detect dawn/dusk with a built-in ~10 minute delay which will serve as an input to some CMOS logic. It's the first such circuit I've designed and though it seems to behave correctly in CircuitLab I have a couple of questions:

  1. Should there be a pull-up resistor after CMP1?
  2. Is using an RC circuit for the delay efficient/sensible or should I use a some sort of timer instead?
  3. Could the entire thing be done more simply/efficiently?

Thank you!


by Tim
July 16, 2012

1) Depends on the real device you choose. CMP1 and CMP2 in your simulation are modified CL opamps which have rail to rail push-pull outputs rather than dedicated comparator models.

You can choose real comparators that have push-pull or open collector/drain outputs. Push-pull outputs don't need a pullup. Open collector/drain outputs do.

2) 10 minutes is a long time for an RC circuit but is possible. Avoid large R/small C because the circuit will be more susceptible to leakage due to moisture cause by condensation than will small R large C. Timing with an RC may be a bit variable with component tolerances, temperature and ageing.

A digital solution using a higher frequency clock oscillator and a divider chain may give you a more repeatable time but if the oscillator itself is an RC part then most of the same problems can occur.

If you can find a source of them, then the old 4060 14-bit (รท16,384) ripple counter with internal oscillator is a nice solution:


3) If you keep the RC solution, you would be well adivised to add a small amount of hysteresis from CMP1 output to CMP1 non-inverting input. This will stop the output of CMP1 jittering at the threshold.

Note to model an open collector comparator, you can use a voltage controlled switch like this:

If you set the hysteresis to 0 then you can add your own hysteresis by putting a resistor from the out to the + input together with some source resistance at the + input.

To make the hysteresis more predictable, you may want to add some series R between the junction of LDR and R2 and the + input to swamp the variation in Thevenin source resistance due to the variation in the resistance of LDR

by signality
July 17, 2012

Another way to make a behavioural open collector/drain comparator:

by signality
July 17, 2012

Hi, thanks for the replies:

1) I'm planning on using the LM393N, which is a dedicated comparator and is open-collector (I think). So pull-up resistor it is.

2) What counts as big/small? Would changing to 100k Ohms + 3300 uF be more appropriate?

The timing and variance of the delay isn't that important. It's only there to have the output based on a sort-of running average of the last 5-10 minutes to avoid false triggers such as if a cloud passes in front of the moon for a few minutes.

If this was done digitally wouldn't it still require significantly smoothing the input or doing something else to avoid the false triggers, rather than just having a delay?

3) Ok.

I tried modelling the comparators with voltage-controlled switches but I believe + and - are connected and when the current reverses at CMP2 strange things happen - the capacitor doesn't like it. In the LM393N I think they're both connected to ground instead and so this shouldn't be an issue?

Thanks for the help - this is very useful!

by Tim
July 17, 2012

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