Is There Any CSV Current Source Block? SOLVED

Except for CSV Voltage Source, Is There Any CSV Current Source Block? I need it to model a piezoelectric sensor as an current input (arbitrary waveform) for other readout circuit design.

Thanks in advance if someone can help.


by JamesWang
July 03, 2020

What a really great question - I found out a lot about CIRCUITLAB! (I was unable to find an element like CSV current source).

Try this procedure (it works on my system):

1] Run simulation "CSV Voltage source Example" BUT with only one output V(PWS_CSV_OUT).

2] Export the results as a CSV file (at the top right of the Transient Analysis graph "Export Plot CSV").

3] Open the CSV file in a text editor. Copy the data points WITHOUT the final comma.

4] Paste the data inside the brackets of PWS() in the current source. (Magically, the LF characters disappear).

5] Check this example I_source_control

Note: I don't know the size limit for expressions such as PWL() and PWS(). In the example there are 250 data points in a file of 5k5bytes.

Happy experiments!

by EF82
July 03, 2020

2 Answers

Answer by mrobbins

Another approach is to use the CSV Voltage Source to generate a voltage, and then use a current source controlled by that voltage. This effectively creates a CSV-backed current source!

Here's a simulation with a working example:

Importantly, this uses the Behavioral Voltage and Current Sources support inside the simulation engine to define the current of I1 algebraically.

ACCEPTED +1 vote
by mrobbins
July 06, 2020

That's cool!

I never think about assigning a t-dependent variable by an output and then further use this variable as an t-dependent input for Current Source block.

Thx, dude.

by JamesWang
July 06, 2020

Just wanted to add that we've now added a CSV Current Source component to the toolbox, so this trick is no longer needed.

by mrobbins
August 13, 2020

Answer by JamesWang

HI, EF82

Thx for your instruction.

Following your idea, I've made a similar example like this ( )

+1 vote
by JamesWang
July 05, 2020

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