Saved Circuits

How does one re-use saved circuits? I created and saved one last night and it is listed under "workbench". Clicking on "open in editor" gives me a blank screen for building a circuit.

by dshah2k
October 13, 2012

At the Workbench, can you see a circuit in the icon ?

Before clicking on “Open in editor”, can you see a circuit?

What is your browser / version (but you’ve created one ...) ?


Regards, Sancho

by Sancho_P
October 14, 2012

Thanks. Appears to be a bug in that the circuit does not open in the editor if there are more than one "CircuitLab" tabs open in the IE browser. CircuitLab opens the multiple tabs. I first have to close all but one tab, access the workbench in the open tab, select the saved circuit, and then click open in editor.

by dshah2k
October 14, 2012

"in the IE browser"

There's your problem.

CL does run properly on IE because it is not a W3C standards compliant browser.


by signality
October 15, 2012


I meant to say:

CL does not run properly on IE because it is not a W3C standards compliant browser.


by signality
October 15, 2012

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