Connecting 5v UBEC to 3s LiPo battery

hi, i m new to electronics as I'm a software student. so recently i was trying to make a small IoT robot from instruction on the internet, and the instruction was;

"The robot will be powered off a 3 cell lipo battery. The battery terminals need to be split into two, where one goes directly to the CNC shield to power the motors, while the other gets connect to the 5v UBEC...."

i am confused about how do i connect it, most imp what does it mean by splitting the terminals. any professional help would be very appreciated.

by bits
February 16, 2021

This sure is imprecise. I would interpret it to mean that each battery terminal goes to 2 points: the positive to the CNC shield +input and to the 5v UBEC terminal and the negative to the CNC shield ground or - input and to the UBEC ground or negative terminal. This is just my interpretation of very loose wording. A schematic diagram would solve a lot of problems but there seems to be a great reticence to use one on the part of people writing instructions. Personally I wouldn't dream of doing any project without one. (and I designed control systems for many years).

by Foxx
February 16, 2021

wait so, this is a mistake on my part for not adding the complete sentence, I m really sorry but here is the full sentence or instruction.

"The battery terminals need to be split into two, where one goes directly to the CNC shield to power the motors, while the other gets connect to the 5v UBEC, which created a steady 5v power line which will be used to power the Raspberry Pi through the GPIO pins. The 5v from the UBEC is connected to the 5v pin of the Raspberry Pi and the GND from the UBEC is connected to the GND pin on the Pi."

I have figured out the raspberry pi part but my doubt is that do I need a splitter of some sort, the kind of one that we use for USB to connect multiple USBs, now here I don't mean a USB splitter but a splitter that will allow us to connect 2 or more devices to a 11.1v 3s lipo battery.

and I m sorry for any mistakes in my English as it is not my 1st language AND I m not familiar with some of the terminology

by bits
February 17, 2021

Your English is not bad; probably better than my French--and I've been told that I speak French!! As for 5v and ground connections I doubt that you need any special device called a "splitter". You can probably just daisy chain from one 5v terminal to another, and one ground to another. Alternatively you could put in a terminal block, connect the power supply 5v to one terminal and jumper it to other terminals which would then feed the 5v inputs to other devices. Then you can call the terminal block a splitter

by Foxx
February 17, 2021

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